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Toyota Electrical Repair Newport Beach CA

(714) 375-2661 Call Auto Repair Ford Newport Beach CA for specialists with 20 years experience in Toyota electrical repairs. While Toyota's advanced engineering has allowed for more features and conveniences in its vehicles, practically every feature relies on the car's electrical system for proper operation. This is why you need an auto electrical systems expert on your side. Our ASE Certified Master Technicians have been skillfully repairing Toyota electrical components for over 20 years. We even support our claim with a 12-Year/12,000 Mile Warranty to protect you on many repairs long after your gone. There's also free vehicle pickup and delivery available for your convenience. If you're in the Newport Beach 92657, 92658, 92659, 92660, 92661, 92662, or 92663 areas, make sure to see us for all of your electrical repair and brake repair needs. Call us during normal business hours Monday through Saturday at (714) 375-2661 for more information.

Toyota Sienna Check Engine Light Repairs Newport Beach CA

(714) 375-2661 Experts in Toyota check engine light repairs and diagnoses, bring your Sienna to Auto Repair Ford Newport Beach CA. The check engine light is the most feared light on any dashboard. When the light in your mini van illuminates, you need to visit our ASE Certified Master Technicians for an expert analysis and remedy. The Sienna is an ideal minivan for larger families packing a powerful V-6 engine and plenty of room for your extra cargo. Armed with the latest diagnostics and highly skilled staff we can usually fix the problem within the same day. If you wish, you can wait in our spacious waiting area that's outfitted with complementary Wi-Fi and loads of free coffee. If you're in the 92657, 92658, 92659, 92660, 92661, 92662, or 92663 areas and need check engine light repair or electrical repair, call the family owned and operated facility at (714) 375-2661 for quality service.